Thursday, June 01, 2006

33rd week appointment

When searching the internet, I found an abstract written by our doctors. The link is
I asked our OB Dr. F. Yanik about the case and she said that it was more different case. That baby’s condition was so bad that it couldn’t be possible saving her life. Something interesting for me that pulmonary artery size was being correlated to lung weight.

And another curiosity was that although when we were looking at Abdominal Circumference 2 weeks ago (at 31st week), we had seen AC measure was compatible with 26,5 week, but last week we saw that AC was being observed as compatible with 31 week on the screen. I have searched this subject, and not found too much. But I saw an abstract at this link.
Yesterday, we saw that AC is on measure of 31w,1d. I don’t understand in a certain. So far, I imagined that our baby’s belly would remain small! Maybe Lauren, Jana or other moms or dads had met this type of condition and they can know the actual reason.

Dr D. Eroglu (who had noticed the axial deviation of Mert’s hearth first) was there for examination. She hasn't seen any progress for almost a month. And she said that the condition was not so bad. Stomach was maybe positioning a little bit in a downward direction. Dr. Filiz Yanik and Dr. Derya Eroglu said that pulmonary tissue and artery (about 2.5 mm, on the right) was seen by them very clearly. Amniotic fluid is not too much and for now, there is no reason for an induction. Steroid named Celeston have been suggested to Emel, because it has been thought that steroid developes baby's lungs. They are very good and intelligent doctors who can understand patient psychology.

Lauren has asked me if Baskent Hospital has High Frequency Oscillation Ventilators. I asked this to Doctors, but they couldn’t give me a certain answer. Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology is at another building apart from the main hospital site. Pediatric Surgery is in the central site of hospital. They said that they would learn if there were HFOVs and inform us. I think, lacking of any HFOV besides ECMO is not acceptable for big, modern hospital like as Baskent Hospital! I hope, they have HFOV.

We gave them our weblog’s address, and they said that we were conscious patients. We talked about our new friends and supporters whom we gained by means of internet and CDH surely!

Sofia is on a good improvement way. I hope, she will turn normal life as a princess! Baby Jolee is in the phase of collecting big power that is supported by all us with our prayers. Baby Audrey’s news is wonderful. As if her glances in photos express her strength. I try to follow blogs of these all sweet babies.

And Lauren and Jana! They’re wonderful moms that supports us with their messages. They give precious informations. Thanks to all messagers! They made our eyes wet with tears. As for we are Turks, reading some English texts that have also contains complex, medical terms is hard indeed. Reading baby blogs is easier and more informative for me. Emel can’t speak or read English but I always continue to translate. She is in the most sensitive term of her life.

Please keep your prayers for Mert and all CDH babies.



Blogger Catherine & Sofia said...

Hello Aytekin and Emel,
first of all I want to say what a lovely name Mert is and it's meaning is perfect for your "Little Prince". I have
kept Catherine up to date with
your blog and she can't wait to
come home to read and respond to
you herself. She sends love and
best wishes from her and Sofia.
God willing one day soon our little
princess will meet your little prince. You have some wonderful people praying and wanting to help you in anyway possible. You are now part of our "family" for always. Any chance of you posting a photo of you both to put a face with the words? Here's my email address
Have a lovely day! God bless.
Yvonne (Catherine's Mom, Sofia's Nana)

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I've been following your story and praying for you, your wife and baby Mert.

I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago that diagnosed CDH at 24 weeks. Please let Emel know that I know what she is going is such a scary time. You all are in my prayers.

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I've just now gotten had a chance to get caught up...thanks for your kind words for us and our daughter! Your son is so lucky to have such wonderful parents, congratulations on your pregnancy! I know his diagnosis is overwhelming, but you're doing everything you can right now and that will make all the difference. Please know Mert and y'all will be in our thoughts! Let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.

Jenn and Nathan Miller

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Aytekin and Emel,
I have just learnt that a baby having CDH has been operated at Baskent University, Pediatric Surgery Department and was going well on the HFO ventillator.
Dr. Filiz Yanik
2.6.2006 9:00 a.m.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aytekin and Emel,

Just wanted to let you know I am following your story and wishing you all the best as you wait for Mert and also after his arrival.

I am Leah's Mom, the link on your website to her site. She will be 10 months old in about a week. We did not know about her condition before she was born so we didn't have the opportunity to do all the research before hand or know what the standard of care was for CDH babies.

Sending our thoughts from the US,
Leah 8.11.05 R-CDH

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seo google ar , ar ar carro carro

1:54 AM  

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